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Making my dash count...

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

hehe... another quickie!

yes, yes... i know i know... i've been missing again. haha but like i told lynne: blog is not dead, it's just sleeping! hahaha... aih, been swamped with work coz it's the short semester. so classes are doubled per week and we have to finish all assignments n projects in half the time!

in the midst of exams rite now... tmr's the last one! PIANO JURY! arghhh...

oh! UCSI is now a university! it's no more University College International Sedaya. but since we're already known as UCSI, they're sticking to that. so now we're called UCSI University! haha... they're trying to come up with something else which represents the UCSI.... =P

just for laughs: haha... what do u call this?

well, according to our beloved lecturer Dr. Jeff, this is called a doo-dah...!!! when asked why it is called so, he says it's becoz he doesn't know what it's called so he just calls is doo-dah! *faint*



Blogger @nne said...

a two pin plug three pin plug adapter thingy? hahaha....

November 7, 2008 at 9:43 AM  

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