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Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Tiffany's 21st @ Midvalley

hehe... I'm really in a blogging mood these couple of weeks! well, basically just trying to keep the momentum going... after people say that my blog is DEAD again! hahaha... but here I am, back after so long and they're not even here to comment!!! **you guys noe who u are! haha...**

Anyways... back to my story.......

Yesterday was Tiffany's 21st birthday! So Siaw Jiun, Joelin, Rain and I went to meet up wid Tiff and Raechen in Midvalley after class. We went walking around looking for a pressie for Tiff but had no idea what to buy! Suddenly, Raech called and said that there was this Baby Pluto soft toy that Tiff really liked in Toys R Us but Raech managed to persuade her not to buy it... so instead, WE bought it for her! hahaha... n we also bought her a soft toy rose from there (which u will see in the pics below!)

Tiff loved the rose... and she said that it was the 1st rose she has ever received! hehehe... I'm really glad u liked the pressies my dear! HAPPY 21ST!!!! =)

Raech left before dinner coz she said she needed to practice! hehe funny lar she... Here we were, ALL music students... and we were out having fun! But she was the only one whose conscience was strong enough to get her to practice! hahaha...

Oh well... it was a tiring day! So stressful coz apart from Tiff's pressie, I had to go searching for 2 other pressents... and they're both for guys! aih... hate buying presents for guys! Never know what to get them! hehehe...

Okieee... to end my post for today.... here are the pics! Enjoy...

it's really small. click on it to enlarge! =)


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